
Showing posts from February, 2023

The Nun’s Priest’s Tale Moves On The Levels, The Animal and The human

The Nun’s Priest’s Tale Moves On The Levels, The Animal and The human : The story of The Nun’s Priest’s Tale is throughout played out on two levels: the animal level of cock, favourite hen and invading fox, and the human level of...

Comment on Geoffrey Chaucer’s language and versification

Comment on Geoffrey Chaucer’s language and versification : It is said that Emperor Augustus had found Rome a city of brick a when he died he left it a city of marble. Similarly Chaucer found his native tongue a ...

Chaucer’s Art of Narration with reference to ‘The Nun’s Priest’s Tale

Chaucer’s Art of Narration with reference to ‘The Nun’s Priest’s Tale

Chaucer’s Art of Narration with reference to ‘The Nun’s Priest’s Tale : Chaucer is the greatest English story-teller in verse, ‘one of the world’s three or four story-tellers’ Lowes. Other writers have greater moments, but none...

Stories - Easy English Notes

Stories - Easy English Notes : Easy English Notes

Discuss the Nun’s Priest’s Tale as a mock heroic poem

Discuss the Nun’s Priest’s Tale as a mock heroic poem : A heroic poem is an epic poem. It tells the story of a hero whose adventures and exploits have a great recognised significance. It is a long narrative poem ...

Skill of Chaucer in his Writing of the Nun’s Priest’s Tale

Skill of Chaucer in his Writing of the Nun’s Priest’s Tale : Chaucer has borrowed his subject-matter freely from other sources like Shakespeare. The Nun's Priest's Tale is no exception. The story of the cock and fox...

Chaucer’s narrative art in The Nun’s Priest’s Tale -

Chaucer’s narrative art in The Nun’s Priest’s Tale - : Chaucer in The Nun’s Priest’s Tale has shown his ability to develop a skeleton plot into a good story. As a teller of tales in verse he has been rightly ...

The Nun’s Priest’s Tale - Easy English Notes

The Nun’s Priest’s Tale - Easy English Notes : This gentil cok…..every lith.In these lines taken from Chaucer’s The Nun’s Priest’s Tale’, the family of the cock Chanticleer is described. The description is…

Explain the self exposure of the pardoner’s tale

Explain the self exposure of the pardoner’s tale : It is surprising that the callous, cunning and malicious Pardoner reveals his vices and his fraudulent methods before the fellow-pilgrims. He tells that his...

“The Pardoner’s Tale” is the finest tale of Chaucer

“The Pardoner’s Tale” is the finest tale of Chaucer : The narrative art of Chaucer finds its fullest expression in The Pardoner’s Tale. It is so gripping that it can be enjoyed on its own. Its story is...

Trace the influence of Chaucer on “The Paradoner’s Tale”

Trace the influence of Chaucer on “The Paradoner’s Tale” : Chaucer, like Shakespeare, has borrowed his material from the old sources and is, like him again, original. Shakespeare wrote the following Ariel’s song in...

The Pardoner’s Tale By Geoffrey Chaucer (Short Ques & Ans) -

The Pardoner’s Tale By Geoffrey Chaucer (Short Ques & Ans) - : Exp. After listening to the trazic tale of the Physician in which Virginia is killed by her father so that her honour could be saved, the Host generalises....

Justify the title of “The well of English undefiled” for Chaucer -

Justify the title of “The well of English undefiled” for Chaucer - : History of English language tells that up to the time of Chaucer the struggle among its various dialects for supremacy was not decided. Wycliffe and Gower..